Friday, August 31, 2007

entry no.8

Actually this experience is more likely of copying assignments from other person. I avoid copying others's notes and work just to pass some course though some person says that "it is better to cheat than to repeat" I am not accepting that theory of passing, I preffer failing with dignity than to pass with dishonesty. It is like lying. With this challenge, I learned that different people has different point of view in life, it is their own will of living and surviving.

entry no.3 (continuation..)

first day..

---first value that i've practice was "challenge", with this value i manage to challenge myself to do such work that i do not normaly do.
---date: july 13, 2007
---it was when Mr. Henry Paz, our proffesor in Engineering drawing, gave us our individual task and that is to pass 3 exercises in just 1 week. We all know that Mr. Paz is a very strict prof. in terms of time management. it was really a hard work to be finished and i already slept very late at night just to finish that work and luckily, i manage to finish it though i worked for it for the last minute.

Second day..

---second value is family respect..
---date:july 15,2007
--- In our family, I am the type of person that wants to be followed..My dad practiced me that way.. He always follows what I want we normally call that type of chid a "spoiled bratt" . And the saddess part is that I do not normally respect them with that way of treating me, its like that their making me a princess with no respect. and from this day onwards, I want to give them my rspect as my family and being part of my life..

Feelings and toughts..

All people needs adjusments whenever they encounter new type of environment and of being far from what they are used in living to..
And I am also one of of those persons that is suffering hard times in making some new adjustments.. I asure you, it's not that easy to handle.. you'll be under different kinds of emotions just like on the article that i have read when we took our examination in english. It says there that there are stages in adjusting to your new environment. I am writting here the same idea and concept on what i have written in our exam. That i could not still adjust that fully though there are many people that could help me in surviving that challenge..
I am happy to now to know that there are persons behind my bitter smile.
I'm still in that stage of honeymoon..I still have that "jetlag" but I'm coping up every little step of the way..just like a baby who is currently learning to walk and talk..
Still on my way on accepting the truth that we are already through with another chapter of our lives..