Friday, August 31, 2007

entry no.3 (continuation..)

first day..

---first value that i've practice was "challenge", with this value i manage to challenge myself to do such work that i do not normaly do.
---date: july 13, 2007
---it was when Mr. Henry Paz, our proffesor in Engineering drawing, gave us our individual task and that is to pass 3 exercises in just 1 week. We all know that Mr. Paz is a very strict prof. in terms of time management. it was really a hard work to be finished and i already slept very late at night just to finish that work and luckily, i manage to finish it though i worked for it for the last minute.

Second day..

---second value is family respect..
---date:july 15,2007
--- In our family, I am the type of person that wants to be followed..My dad practiced me that way.. He always follows what I want we normally call that type of chid a "spoiled bratt" . And the saddess part is that I do not normally respect them with that way of treating me, its like that their making me a princess with no respect. and from this day onwards, I want to give them my rspect as my family and being part of my life..

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